Congratulations for Receiving Fundamental Research Grant
Alhamdulillah, three (3) of our members managed to secure Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Phase 1/2021 sponsored by Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia with total amount received is RM 426,712.00.

Food Basket Project by iMoleC
Currently due to the COVID19 pandemic, many people are suffering socially, mentally and economically. Malaysians are obliged to abide to Movement Control Order (MCO) announced by the government. Therefore, many of them have limited sources of food due to restriction for working. On the other hand, many had lost their jobs. People are struggling to survive and to feed their family.

Laboratory Animal Hands-On Workshop
Animal ethic is very crucial for researchers and students in conducting animal studies. Each institutions has their own committee that had been authorized to observe the animal ethic practices among the community of the university. At International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), IIUM Animal Care and Use Committee (I-ACUC) has been appointed to cater on the animal ethic issues in the university. Students and researchers should apply for approval from I-ACUC before conducting an animal research. The Committee hold a responsibility to ensure the IIUM community exposed with the knowledge concerning animal care and husbandry.

Congratulations for Winning a Category in MAPIM-KPT 2019
Congratulations to our members of iMoleC, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lokman Md. Isa and Dr. Redzuan Nul Hakim, for winning “The Best Article Journal on Science Technology & Medicine (International Index)” at MAPIM KPT Award 2019! The award ceremony was organized by MAPIM (Majlis Penerbitan Ilmiah Malaysia) and was held on Tuesday, 30th of March 2021, via Cisco Webex.